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Californians Could Be The First To Pass Single Payer Legislation

The CEO of United Healthcare, Stephen Hemsley, makes 10,597.00 an hour or 177.00 a minute. Making huge amounts of money off the sick and dying is unacceptable, unsustainable, and immoral. We have the power to change that! Let's start in California with SB 562! Andrew McGuire, the Executive Director of California One Care, joins us on Nurse Talk.

Pattie Lockard, Nurse Talk Radio

We Still Have A Lot of Work To Do On Healthcare

With liberals across the land breathing a huge sigh of relief after the abrupt collapse of the Senate scheme to repeal and somewhat replace the Affordable Care Act, all is good again with healthcare in America. Right?

Jean Ross writing for Common Dreams

Healthcare is a Human Right

It's Time To Move The Healthy California Act ( S.B. 562) Forward!

California has an opportunity to make healthcare a human right and guarantee it to everyone in the Golden State. CNA/NNU Legislative Advocate Stephanie Roberson updates us on the status of S.B. 562 and what you can do to support it.

Pattie Lockard, Nurse Talk Radio

Nurses For Newsom

Nurses Fight For S.B. 562 And Remind Us Why California Needs Gavin Newsom

Gavin shares nurses' values, including the fight for a single-payer healthcare system, where all Californians are guaranteed healthcare, regardless of ability to pay.

Pattie Lockard, Nurse Talk Radio

Nurses and community members rally for clean water

RNs Fight to Protect Florida’s Drinking Water

National Nurses United RNs are fighting to protect Florida’s drinking water with a ban on all forms of fracking for oil or natural gas in the state.

National Nurses Organizing Committee

NNU Logo

Hundreds of union nurses convene online to call for transformative change

To claim our power, hundreds of nurses came together online Sept. 9–12, along with some incredible activists and allies, during the first-ever virtual convention for the California Nurses Association/National Nurses Organizing Committee (CNA/NNOC). The convention, entitled “Year of the nurse,” underscored how deeply our struggles are united, across states, across backgrounds, and even around the world, as we fight for transformative change.

Bonnie Castillo, Executive Director of National Nurses United

"You are not to hire any Filipinos"

Here's how things work all too often in our "post-racial" society: one of California's largest medical systems, Sutter Health/CPMC, has apparently enacted a ban on the hiring of Filipino registered nurses at a major San Francisco hospital.

National RN Relief Group Teams Up With Navy for Medical Mission to Haiti

The first team of registered nurse volunteers from California, Michigan, and Washington State will depart for Haiti Wednesday morning with the Department of Defense’s Continuing Promise, National Nurses United (NNU), the nation’s largest organization of registered nurses, announced today.


Nurses at the front lines of an economics debate? You bet your health!

MINN--From Madison to Wall Street, from St. Paul to Washington D.C., people are seeing nurses dressed in red scrubs, holding not a stethoscope but a megaphone. We are carrying signs. We are marching en masse. And we are raising our voices. This may seem unusual behavior for our profession, but in truth, our history is deeply rooted in social advocacy, as well as the bedside advocacy you’ve come to trust. We’re doing more because we must.

MNA Blog

Urgent Letter to California State Legislature

The proposed budget language to suspend the nurse-to-patient ratios for every patient on every unit in the acute care hospitals for the entire period that nurses are away from their patient assignment for meal and rest breaks undermines patient safety in every hospital setting.