Infectious Disease


Bonnie Castillo, RN, Executive Director of NNU at podium surrounded by nurses holding signs "Protect Nurses, Patients, Public Health"

NNU condemns CDC’s decision to shorten the five-day isolation guidance for Covid-19

Slashing the Covid isolation guidance from five days to potentially just 24 hours based on the presence of fever ignores the available scientific evidence that people with Covid infections often remain infectious well beyond five days.

National Nurses United
March 6, 2024


Another deadly consequence of climate change: The spread of dangerous diseases

With President Trump’s decision on U.S. participation in the Paris climate accords expected in the next few days, there has been widespread discussion of the many consequences that climate change will have for us and our children, including extreme weather events, displacement of people, submergence of lands and devastation to our oceans.

By Brian Deese and Ronald A. Klain, The Washington Post
June 1, 2017


The Underreported Side of the Ebola Crisis

Amid the media accounts of the worst Ebola outbreak ever recorded some significant context is largely missing from the major media reporting. Atop this list are links of the outbreak to the climate crisis and global inequality, mal-distribution of wealth, and austerity-driven cuts in public services that have greatly contributed to the rapid spread of Ebola.

Rose Ann DeMoro, via The Huffington Post